Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Transformice: How To Build As Shaman (Normal Mode)

This Transformice tutorial will teach you how to 'build', when you're a shaman.

Non-blocking build.

Press 6 ( big box hotkey ) or get a click the big box in the summoning panel, now press the space bar to make it a ghost item.

Now get a little board, press space, now press b, and put it in the ghost box.

Now get a big board, rotate it (press x) until it's in the right position, then press c 2 times.

If this build is unstable, get a little board, rotate it with x until it's in the correct position, then press space bar, and then press b and summon it in the middle of the big board.

Normal & safest build

Just put a little board with b and space bar, big board with rotation and c 2 times.

-Thecoolpool, administrator.

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