To create a map in the Map Editor, you must have 1000 gathered cheese. Once you've gathered 1000 cheese, go to Menu > Map Editor
Once you've clicked on Map Editor in the Menu, you'll get this:
You can choose grounds for your map
You can choose mice stuff for your map
You can choose shaman objects for your map
You can choose map settings for your map
One thing you must do, is put cheese and a mouse hole on your map. Otherwise it won't be exported to the server! Cheese and mouse hole are in the "Mice Stuff" category.
Now you must choose a spawning place for the mice and shaman. This is where the shaman & mice will end up when they start the map.
Now, once you're happy with your map, go to Save / Load / Test, and click validate this map.
To validate the map, you must get the cheese and go in the hole.
You will now get a message saying "This map has been validated. You can now return to the editor to export your map to the server.", now press Back To Editor.
To export your map to the server, you must have 1000 gathered cheese and 40+ shop cheese. If you have, click "Export the map (40 cheese)".
Note: Maps that under 50% people like are automatically deleted.
Thanks for reading our Map Editor guide. I hope you enjoy making your map!
-Thecoolpool, Transformice Guide owner/founder/creator/administrator